性能介绍/ C a p a c i t y i n t r o d u c t i o n
■ QTZ125P 平头塔机主要受力钢结构部件均采用Q345B 钢材制作,塔身标准节截面1.8 米×1.8 米×2.5 米,采用片式或标准节两种形式制作。
■ 重量轻,风阻小,运输方便。回转采用双回转机构,起升机构采用双速绕线电机拖动,运行平稳。
■ The main stressed steel parts of QTZ125P flat tower crane use Q345B steel, the tower body mast section 2m×2m×2.8m, using on-chip-type or
standard mast section of two forms of production.
■ Light weight, air resistance is small, convenient transportation. Rotary dual rotary body, lifting body uses double-speed wound motor drag, run